Monday, 4 June 2012

Memoirs of Cardinal Rugambwa: His Last Journeys to Europe and Bukoba


Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha, PhD
Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania
(Writing from USA)

 (7) Home again

It is London that saw the last footprint of his Eminence in Europe. Our stay in the Airport was rather long, but since we knew before hand that it would not be shorter, we were prepared to bear the boredom. Still, if someone much younger could feel a kind of stress owing to the slow passage of time, probably anyone might wonder what it must have felt for the Cardinal in such a busy airport. But finally our turn came. We boarded the plane and flew back home – sweet home.

Upon arrival at the Airport in Dar es salaam His Eminence was led to the VIP lounge to wait for the luggage. There we were met by Fr. Jovin Bakekera and His Eminence’s personal Secretary at his Residence in Oyster Bay. Shortly after our entrance into the VIP lounge, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete also came in. Maybe he was preparing for an official flight. The two met and greeted each other. I could not immediately determine whether they were particularly familiar, even though, judging by their spontaneous conversation both must have known a lot about each other. In any case, the friendly tone of their conversation at their present coincidental meeting was unmistakable. In the course of their talk, informal as it was, the Cardinal praised Mr. Kikwete for the commendable work he was doing in the Government as Minister of Foreign Affairs. While accepting the complement with unambiguous appreciation the later President of the United Republic of Tanzania expressed his personal viewpoint of the matter to His Eminence saying, “It is true, Your Eminence, but we are building upon the foundation stones that were laid by you”.

The conversation was becoming more and more interesting when one Airport Official brought in his Eminence’s luggage, while at the same time the departure of the Minister’s flight was close. For that reason it looked obvious that it was time for His Eminence to move on in order to conclude the long journey at his residence in Oyster Bay where it had started. At Oyster Bay everybody was thinking that the journey was over, but to the mind of His Eminence the truth was slightly different. For His Eminence the real conclusion of the journey was still to come. If the entire journey to Rome and back could be compared to a farewell symphony, for His Eminence that symphony still lacked a proper finale, which in three days after this was going to take place in the form of an additional tour, namely a domestic trip to Bukoba.

To be continued

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