Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Memoirs of Cardinal Rugambwa: His Last Journeys to Europe and Bukoba


Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha, PhD
Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania
(Writing from USA)

(8) Bukoba

There was no possibility for a direct flight from Dar es Salaam to Bukoba.  But that was not strange. We flew to Mwanza then travelled by ferry to Bukoba.  The ferry was MV Victoria. In Bukoba, many people especially from the Bunena Mission community who had the information that the Cardinal was coming turned up to receive him at the port. One of these was Fr. Callist Kagaruki. He drove us in his “hard top” Land Cruiser to the Diocesan Centenary Pastoral Centre (CPC) in town. His Eminence rode in the front seat. I was at the back.

On arrival at the CPC Fr. Callist lost no time to move and open the door for his Eminence to get off. Apparently lost in his thoughts His Eminence momentarily looked at the Cathedral. In all probability his eye must have been met by the wooden scaffold that practically encased the big Cathedral as it went through a very major renovation. But there was much more of improvement to be noticed too. Sure enough, with the steeple now raised through several meters above its original height after a highly sophisticated maneuver of engineering, every aspect gave a more majestic and more imposing look than anything the Cardinal had ever seen of this Cathedral before.  Now, probably unaware that we might be looking at him, with his hand scarcely raised beyond elbow level His Eminence pointed his right index finger roughly in the direction of the apex of the steeple, shook his head slightly but without uttering a single word, and in an instant tried to reach out for his briefcase from the car indicating that we could move into the rectory. None of us picked sufficient courage to ask him a question concerning his impressions of the renovation. But if what he saw caused him great joy, probably that joy was also touched with a kind of uncertainty at the same time or vice versa. 

Months later, thinking about the incident in retrospect after His Eminence had passed, the question still lingered in my head as to what kind of image will have gone through his mind that morning. It is my conjecture that in relation to the Cathedral His Eminence was thinking something like this: “I am likely to be ready before you are”. But of course I might be wrong. This is only a guess. Still, when one year later he was called from this life the Cathedral was not yet ready to allow the celebration of his funeral Mass in it. In a sense then he was ready before it was.

Once in the rectory his Eminence expressed his wish to celebrate Mass before doing anything else. We went into the rectory chapel. He said Mass while I concelebrated thanking God for bringing us home safe. This was followed by a breakfast after which we drove to Bunena - his first residence when he was installed Bishop of Bukoba Diocese. He would stay at the same residential home even now for the few days while in Bukoba.  People who wanted to talk to him could find him there. Shortly after his arrival at Bunena Bishop Nestor Timanywa came to meet him as his host to welcome him back home into the Diocese after those long days of travelling.

In order to arrange the very last chords of what I described as the finale of his symphony into the most appropriate cadence, His Eminence felt that he needed to go to Rutabo first to visit his brothers, relatives and neighbors in Bukongo village, his birthplace, before returning to Dar es Salaam. I accompanied him there too. I feel almost embarrassingly indebted to him for allowing the honor of escorting him through these landmark events of his last days to fall on me. May his soul rest in peace!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Memoirs of Cardinal Rugambwa: His Last Journeys to Europe and Bukoba


Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha, PhD
Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania
(Writing from USA)

 (7) Home again

It is London that saw the last footprint of his Eminence in Europe. Our stay in the Airport was rather long, but since we knew before hand that it would not be shorter, we were prepared to bear the boredom. Still, if someone much younger could feel a kind of stress owing to the slow passage of time, probably anyone might wonder what it must have felt for the Cardinal in such a busy airport. But finally our turn came. We boarded the plane and flew back home – sweet home.

Upon arrival at the Airport in Dar es salaam His Eminence was led to the VIP lounge to wait for the luggage. There we were met by Fr. Jovin Bakekera and His Eminence’s personal Secretary at his Residence in Oyster Bay. Shortly after our entrance into the VIP lounge, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete also came in. Maybe he was preparing for an official flight. The two met and greeted each other. I could not immediately determine whether they were particularly familiar, even though, judging by their spontaneous conversation both must have known a lot about each other. In any case, the friendly tone of their conversation at their present coincidental meeting was unmistakable. In the course of their talk, informal as it was, the Cardinal praised Mr. Kikwete for the commendable work he was doing in the Government as Minister of Foreign Affairs. While accepting the complement with unambiguous appreciation the later President of the United Republic of Tanzania expressed his personal viewpoint of the matter to His Eminence saying, “It is true, Your Eminence, but we are building upon the foundation stones that were laid by you”.

The conversation was becoming more and more interesting when one Airport Official brought in his Eminence’s luggage, while at the same time the departure of the Minister’s flight was close. For that reason it looked obvious that it was time for His Eminence to move on in order to conclude the long journey at his residence in Oyster Bay where it had started. At Oyster Bay everybody was thinking that the journey was over, but to the mind of His Eminence the truth was slightly different. For His Eminence the real conclusion of the journey was still to come. If the entire journey to Rome and back could be compared to a farewell symphony, for His Eminence that symphony still lacked a proper finale, which in three days after this was going to take place in the form of an additional tour, namely a domestic trip to Bukoba.

To be continued

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Memoirs of Cardinal Rugambwa: His Last Journeys to Europe and Bukoba

Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha, PhD
Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania
(Writing from USA)

(6) Belgium en route

Finally the time came for His Eminence to say “Arrivederci” (Goodbye) to Rome. But his last leg on the Italian soil was not the last one on the continent of Europe. We first flew to Belgium and a few days later back to England. In Belgium we were not expecting any hectic programs or tight appointments. It was a leisurely visit at the invitation of some families of His Eminence’s old friends. I found the more relaxed atmosphere there conducive to prompting His Eminence into finishing up the story that he had just started to narrate at Collegio San Pietro that afternoon when the official from the Vatican brought to His Eminence the timetable of the activities he was requested to participate in during the days leading to the climax of the celebrations of the Pope’s Jubilee. When I asked His Eminence wondering whether he could tell me more about that story, he spoke without reserve of different incidents.

He spoke about the various demanding tasks he had to face that were involved in founding the new Diocese of Rutabo. He recalled the assistance that came his way changing some stumbling blocks into opportunities that contributed towards a successful ministry.  He would describe some moments of this assistance as providential. He praised the high degree of collaboration and personal initiative of the members of his Diocese as shown in the forms of time and talent from lay people, religious and clergy alike. As an example of team work and collaboration he cited the work of Fr. Henry Rwehikiza, one of his diocesan priests who at one time tried using his motorcycle to ferry poles/beams needed to build one Mission school. You could sense a touch of humor in His Eminence’s narration as he passed from one incident to another injecting here and there a description of his involvement as Bishop and leader.

As the narrative unfolded even further I came to realize that whatever his greatness His Eminence was not above the almost universal law that governs the operations of those who are dedicated to the service of others. I came to understand that just as there is almost no way for a farmer who tills the land keeping their hands immaculately protected from touching the soil, it is probably naïve to think of bringing service to those in need without allowing oneself to be bruised in the process. In his pursuit for the betterment of the life condition of his brothers and sisters Cardinal Rugambwa was bruised as at least the following example can testify. With regard to the incident I shall give what His Eminence experienced but in the general terms.

During one of the several banquets thrown to congratulate him at his elevation to the College of Cardinals His Eminence spoke to one person about his plans to work on bringing some transformation in his Diocese in the areas of education and health. Seemingly thrilled by the idea, this person assured his assistance to his Eminence and proposed a meeting about it in a setting of more serious work at his office. On the appointed day His Eminence travelled by train to meet the person who had indicated lively readiness to give some help.  But when His Eminence arrived after several hours of train travelling this person did not seem to remember anything about the appointment. His Eminence was baffled. Still he accepted both the answer he received and the bruise inflicted on him by it. But what is even more surprising is that after that experience His Eminence did not feel totally discouraged from trying to explore on other possible avenues. His ambition to do something for his people in need at both the spiritual and the social level remained undefeated if not even more deeply energized.

At this point let me add, by way of comment, that surely that experience did not diminish His Eminence’s name. On the contrary it is another tangible reason to affirm and grasp his greatness. Beneath the fragrant roses of his renown one can also see thorns that pricked his head while he stood on his pedestal and a bruised skin of an engaging shepherd.  Probably, that is another important part of the general picture of His Eminence’s story that brings out even more forcefully the idea, that for those who know what he did and the kind of struggles he endured for the sake of others, celebrating him now is like a duty.

 From Belgium we flew to England.

To be continued